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Valley Forge Signal Seekers

Flying in Valley Forge National Historical Park
Since 1959

AMA Club# 575

HomeClub Rules and Regulations

Club Rules and Regulations

We are very fortunate to be located in the renowned Valley Forge National Historical Park and we maintain a close relationship with park management. Part of that relationship entails courteous behavior and following a set of regulations developed in cooperation with, and adopted by the park.  VFSS is a charter club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). As such, all club members and visitors must be familiar with, and adhere to the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code. All pilots must also abide by the park and club rules and regulations posted on the bulletin board.

All visiting pilots must be current AMA members & FAA  registered (for recreational aircraft), and must obtain a Day Pass from a club officer, instructor or club Board of Governor (BOG) member at the field. Park rules prohibit visiting pilots from flying without a Day Pass. Violators are subject to fines by the park rangers.

Extract from Park Superintendent's Compendium

- The use of model airplanes is restricted to the field (known as the Airplane Field) located on Valley Creek Road (252).
- All persons using this area for model airplane flight are required to display a membership tag from Valley Forge Signal Seekers or obtain a day use pass from a member of the Valley Forge Signal Seekers. Day use passes will only be available when a BOG member or Instructor of the Valley Forge Signal Seekers is present at the field and can confirm the requirements of field use are met by signing and issuing the day pass. The one-day flight permit is valid only for the day it is issued. Safety rules to govern the daily use of the airplane field have been developed in cooperation with Valley Forge Signal Seekers and have been adopted as regulation for Valley Forge National Historical Park. This regulation document and the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety code will be posted in the bulletin board located at the field.

- Model airplanes are prohibited from flying over the roads or parking areas surrounding the field.

Rules and Regulations – Non Members Day Pass Flight Permit

Members will designate by raising a flag at the field that the field is “open” for guest AMA members to fly and be issued day passes.  The one-day flight permit is valid only for the day it is issued.  After a guest is issued a day pass for flying, he/she may continue to fly after the member leaves.  The flag will be taken down when the last member leaves the field for the day.


The Signal Seekers will allow AMA members to fly at the field that meet the following requirements.  A responsible Signal Seekers member must be present at the field to issue a printed, signed, and dated guest day use permit to any AMA flyer that is not a member of the Signal Seekers and who wishes to use the field.  Permits and cards will only be available when a member of the Valley Forge Signal Seekers is present at the field and assumes responsibility for confirming the requirements of field use are met by signing the day pass.


Guest pilots must complete and sign an application form with contact information or Signal Seekers guest registration form, and by signing must agree to comply with field regulations and must provide proof of membership in the AMA.  The guest permit form must include a reference to the pertinent terms and conditions of the Special Use Permit issued to the Signal Seekers that will be posted on the field bulletin board.  The form must include text that asserts that the AMA guest flyer understands and will abide by these posted conditions.  The Signal Seekers and their insurance carrier assume all responsibility and liability for any individual or group that the club or any member of the club allows to us radio-controlled equipment.


Operators must have sufficient liability insurance or proof of membership in an organization such as the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) which includes coverage with membership.


Guest users (day pass operators) that comply with the requirements above will not be required to join / become members of the VF Signal Seekers.

VFSS Flying Boundaries

It is imperative that we fly within the boundaries designated by our permit with the park.  To view our flying boundaries click on the link below:

   VFSS Flying Boundary

Important Club Documents

All members and visiting pilots must abide by the rules and regulations of the club and the rules imposed by the Valley Forge National Historic Park under the clubs permit with the park.

When joining VFSS, all members must read and agree to documents listed below:

VFSS Field Management Guide

AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code